Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mturkforum ? Seriously ?

Mturkforum is the scourge of the internet and a waste of cyberspace.

Widely referred to as the "scammer" forum where Indians and Asians frequently post how they are working around Amazon's Terms of Service to steal from requesters on mechanical turk and break the rules that are put in place to protect workers and requesters alike.
It is not uncommon to have posts where people are asking to pay for United States Social Security numbers to open fraudulent accounts.
It is not uncommon for posts to refer to multiple accounts that workers make. 
Rampant cheating by members is openly bragged about.
Workers who barely have a grasp on the English language complaining how their writing hits are rejected. The list goes on and on and on.

The owner of this forum is a freaking REQUESTER!! Give me a break. That is like the fox watching the hen house.
He regularly posts hits that are far underpaid and has one of the worst reputations as a requester, frequently being rude to workers and rejecting perfectly good work. It has also been said that he uses the work even after he rejects an assignment.
Just look the reviews of his company Code White US on Turkopticon.  He has another requester account Furca which he pays his forum members to post.

There are some members on this forum who are honest workers. They have begged and pleaded with the forum owner to make changes so that the scam workers do not destroy the reputation of the forum. They do not like being regarded as the laughing stock of Mturk. Sadly, their voices are not heard. The few good members were stolen by a tiny and almost irrellavant site called cloudmebaby. But this site is made up of only two members posting continuously and has no content or value. More on this site later.

Made up almost entirely of  banned members from turkernation and scamming Asians, mturkforum is of almost no value to anyone except for it's owner Andy who is trying to increase traffic so he can sell the site and make money off of the advertising.

EDIT :  10/1/2012, Andy is now asking his members for money to support this forum.